Many brands are telling 'luxury stories' these days - from masstige to prestige markets. There are specific elements of a design concept and packaging that are often used to convey a specific type of 'story' about your brand.
Find out what these are, and decide if your brand is telling the right 'story' - in Beauty Packaging's Online Exclusive: Choose a Story to Tell, To Connect To Consumers.
In this web-only article, Jeannie Joshi of Joshi Design and Laura Carey, Arkay Packaging, offer design advice and marketing tips.
Find out what these are, and decide if your brand is telling the right 'story' - in Beauty Packaging's Online Exclusive: Choose a Story to Tell, To Connect To Consumers.
In this web-only article, Jeannie Joshi of Joshi Design and Laura Carey, Arkay Packaging, offer design advice and marketing tips.