Marie Redding, Senior Editor02.04.21
On Tuesday March 2nd, at 2 pm ET, attend our free webinar—Sustainable Packaging in the Beauty World: From Indie Steps to Global Brand Firsts.
Beauty Packaging's editor-in-chief, Jamie Matusow, will moderate as three leading industry experts review key concepts for sustainable sourcing and packaging.
The speakers, in the order that they are shown above, are:
- Aveda's director of package development Nicole Call
- Juice Beauty's founder Karen Behnke
- GreenBlue's sr manager Olga Kachook
We will also talk about what is actually feasible for a beauty brand to do, during product development and manufacturing— considering the availability of specific types of materials, as well as costs.
Plus—what are the current not-to-miss opportunities in refillable and reusable packaging concepts?
Attendees Will Receive Our New 'Beauty Solutions' Sample Box
As a bonus, all attendees with a U.S. mailing address (excluding packaging suppliers) will receive our inaugural Beauty Solutions Box—a box filled with samples of sustainable packaging from suppliers, direct to your doorstep. (FYI: you can also attend the webinar and decline this box if you prefer not to receive mail.)
Join us on March 2nd for the lively, informative discussion!
Pre-registration for the webinar is required—please sign up by filling out this short form.