Janet Herlihy, Editor09.28.09
This fall’s show season was a great experience for us here at Cosmetic Packaging & Design. For the first time, CP&D and Happi, our sister publication, co-sponsored the International Package Design Awards that are held in conjunction with HBA Global Expo (p. 8, 22).
Our involvement started early as finalist packages starting arriving at Rodman Publishing in July, giving our staff a chance to get to know each package and the companies involved in its creation. By the time the show opened, the finalists had beenphotographed and we knew the history of each.
At the HBA awards dinner on opening night of the show, we were as excited as proud parents as the category leaders and overall winner were named.
As editor of CP&D, I was asked to chair an HBA panel made up of the winners with the discussion to center on “How to design a prize winning package?” As a representative for each category leader talked about how the package came to be, I was struck by just how much goes into the containers in the beauty business. Even the simplest container isn’t really simple.
Notes from HBA were hardly keyboarded when it was time to hop a plane for Luxe Pack in Monaco, where my education in the latest packaging innovations continued (p. 24).
One of the best things witnessed between the two exhibitions was the willingness to cooperate on show dates shown by Jack Gonzalez , show director of HBA. The original dates given to HBA by the Javits Convention Center for 2003 were in direct conflict with the dates for Luxe Pack 2003. Gonzalez went back to the Javits and asked for reconsideration. The new dates for HBA 2003—Sept. 30-Oct. 2—will allow exhibitors and visitors to easily attend Luxe Pack 2003—Oct. 22-25 too. HBA deserves congratulations for not only putting on a great exhibition and conference program, but also for being willing to try to best serve the industry.
We here at CP&D are looking forward to continuing our involvement in the IPDA competition and urge everyone out there with a great looking package to submit it and get involved too.
When Leonard Lauder, chairman of Estée Lauder Companies, gave the keynote address at HBA, he urged the industry to continue to strive for innovation. In this issue of Cosmetic Packaging & Design, read about the latest innovations in packaging for skin and hair care (p. 26), how the humble tube is becoming sophisticated (p.36), and how some department stores are succeeding with beauty products (p. 40).
Outsourcing (p. 42) is a business strategy that is changing the way many new cosmetic, fragrance and personal care products transition from concept to store shelf. Some even theorize that eventually brand marketers will exit all manufacturing to concentrate on brand development and marketing.
At CP&D, we continue to report on the latest factors driving the business of beauty product packaging. Visit our website, www.CosmeticPackagingandDesign and register to receive news updates between issues.