Balance has obtained the Platinum sustainability rating from EcoVadis, a worldwide platform that evaluates environmental, social, and ethical performances of companies according to 21 criteria grouped into 4 macro-areas: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.
“Our top priority is to utilize the most eco-friendly systems and substances to produce the highest quality product in any project. To uphold this honor, we will continue to be accountable to our clients, our industry, ourselves, and our planet: we will settle for nothing less,” Balance said in a statement.
Transparency and Responsibility
EcoVadis allows Balance to track its efforts to create an environment that reduces risk, drives performance, and improves environmental and social outcomes.“Our top priority is to utilize the most eco-friendly systems and substances to produce the highest quality product in any project. To uphold this honor, we will continue to be accountable to our clients, our industry, ourselves, and our planet: we will settle for nothing less,” Balance said in a statement.